Peer Reviewed Articles on Private Versus Public Adult Education

Many concepts and terms related to the adult education policy in Poland may be understood differently, depending on the setting and context where they are used. This refers, in particular, to developed education and training discussed in this chapter. Since 2013, efforts have been taken to embed in the field of education terms which are convergent with European definitions concerning lifelong learning, including adult pedagogy and training. At that time, the Authorities adopted new strategic documents, 'The Lifelong Learning Perspective' (Perspektywa uczenia się przez całe życie) and 'The Human Majuscule Development Strategy' (Strategia Rozwoju Kapitału Ludzkiego), which divers bones policy terms for lifelong learning. The key factors in making lifelong learning a reality are skills and weather condition and opportunities created for skills evolution as these are necessary for social capital enhancement, economic growth and high quality of life. As a major pace in devising an Integrated Skills Strategy (ISS) (Zintegrowana Strategia Umiejętności) in 2019, Poland adopted a general part of the ISS: a document developed in close collaboration between the ministries concerned and stakeholders (Zintegrowana Strategia Umiejętności 2030 (część ogólna) (Integrated Skills Strategy 2030 (general part), Warsaw, 2019, Ministry of National Teaching; accessed July 2020). Another document relevant to developed education in the context of adult skills is the OECD Skills Strategy Poland: Assessment and Recommendations, OECD Skills Studies (OECD Publishing, Paris, 2019) (accessed August 2021). In Dec 2020, the detailed part of the 2030 ISS was developed, which refers to the OECD document (accessed August 2021).

Every bit in the first half of 2020, in the school year 2020/2021, the temporary lockdown measures for schoolhouse education institutions (and higher education and research institutions, other educational institutions and employers) taken to prevent the spread of, and fight against, COVID-19 had a major impact on both adult learning and the work on policy documents in the field of education and training. Depending on the severity of the epidemic, online, hybrid or in-person classroom learning was limited or reintroduced multiple times. This had impact on both the organisation of the teaching and learning processes and their participants. Priority was given to distance learning.

The new arrangements affected, in detail, vocational pedagogy and training where provision was limited to theoretical vocational subjects and applied vocational training, which could be delivered using distance learning method and techniques. Continuing instruction courses / classes in non-schoolhouse settings which could not be provided in a distance learning fashion or using another method should be delivered when the temporary lockdown restrictions for school pedagogy institutions are lifted. Distance learning courses / classes were taught using the Integrated Education Platform (fabricated bachelor by the government minister responsible for school education) and resources available in the Internet, public goggle box and radio programmes and other resources selected past teachers. It is worth noting that distance education methods and techniques had already been used earlier every bit a grooming and learning method in developed didactics. (Regulation of the Minister of National Teaching of 20 March 2022 on the specific arrangements for the duration of temporary restrictions for the functioning of school education institutions in connection with the measures to forestall, counteract and fight against COVID-19 / Rozporządzenie Ministra Edukacji Narodowej z dnia 20 marca 2022 r. w sprawie szczególnych rozwiązań west okresie czasowego ograniczenia funkcjonowania jednostek systemu oświaty w związku z zapobieganiem, przeciwdziałaniem i zwalczaniem COVID-19) (accessed 23 August 2021).

Policy documents adopted in Poland and the European union and the national legislation for schoolhouse education utilise the following terms relating to adult education and preparation:

  1. Continuing education (CE) (kształcenie ustawiczne), defined in the Police force on Schoolhouse Educational activity (ustawa Prawo oświatowe) (consolidated text of 18 May 2021, particular 1082; Commodity iv, department 30). CE is understood equally education / grooming in schools for adults, phase II sectoral vocational schools and postsecondary schools, and every bit acquisition of new and supplementary knowledge, skills and vocational / professional person qualifications in not-school settings past individuals who take completed total-time compulsory education. Education and training in Poland are potentially aimed at the adult population (over the historic period of xviii) of 38.41 million, with the working age population (anile 25 to 64 years) representing 60% (2019). The European reference group for adult education and training are adults aged 25-64 who participated in educational activity or training in the four weeks preceding the survey.
  2. Adult education (AE) (edukacja dorosłych) is used as an equivalent for adult instruction and training (AET) (kształcenie i szkolenia dorosłych). The scope of AET extends far across the fields of school education and higher education and traditional preparation courses leading to qualifications. AET is besides provided every bit on-the-job practical grooming or as organised activities of citizens' groups or communities. There is no comprehensive definition of AET in Poland. This may event, on the one hand, from a vast area information technology covers, and on the other hand, from difficulties in assigning the responsibility for this type of instruction and grooming provision to a single administrative structure.
  3. Adult learning is understood as learning at the adult life stage, a stage of lifelong learning in various forms and settings (formal, non-formal and informal). In this context, adult learning is part of a sequence of learning activities accompanying the entire life from early years to advanced old age. Skills that individuals possess, develop and acquire play a key role in adult learning understood in this fashion. In the strategic documents (2030 Integrated Skills Strategy), evolution of skills (basic, transversal, vocational / professional) is closely linked to lifelong learning and its diverse settings.

According to EUROSTAT, the AET participation rates for adult Poles have remained below the Eu average for many years (see Figure 1).

Figure one: Adult participation in lifelong learning

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Source: Eurostat (SDG 04_60; data for 3 June 2021). *EU-28 in 2013-2019 and Eu-27 in 2020.

The proportion of developed Poles anile 25-64 years who participated in AET in 2022 was 3.7% (which indicates a slight decline as compared to 2019). In this context, two studies on developed learning published in 2022 are worthy of notice, 'Participation of adult Poles in economical and educational activities in view of the challenges of today's economic system (Aktywność zawodowa i edukacyjna dorosłych Polaków wobec wyzwań współczesnej gospodarki) and 'Learning order: On educational activities of developed Poles (Uczące się społeczeństwo. O aktywności edukacyjnej dorosłych Polaków) (in Polish but), which present a new arroyo to research on educational activities of adult Poles. The approach involves more authentic identification of diverse forms of non-formal learning activities. Information technology may help to identify a much wider range of adults' learning activities than in the starting time editions of the Study of Human Majuscule (Bilans Kapitału Ludzkiego) in Poland (2010-2014) and the EUROSTAT Labour Force Survey and Adult Didactics Survey, conducted past the Central Statistical Role in Poland.

AET is the almost diversified area of education and training in Poland. This is due not only to the diversity of the target groups, their age and social and professional condition, forms of educational activity and training, methods for the validation of learning outcomes achieved, in particular, in non-formal and breezy learning, just also to the broad range of providers. When defining AET, all sectors of socio-economical activeness (public administration, business entities and non-governmental organisations) should be taken into consideration. With regard to its objectives and organisational form, AET may be divided into formal and non-formal teaching / learning, which is illustrated past the diagram below.

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Source: Author's own elaboration.

The diagram does not include breezy learning as it is not considered to be part of the institutionalised adult education and training network. Informal learning remains 'exterior' the network presented in the diagram, although some of its learning outcomes may be validated and, consequently, go certified learning outcomes which are increasingly of import in adult teaching. This learning sector forms a whole together with the other sectors of education and training, and learners may achieve each qualification level through both formal education and other learning paths.

Adult education and preparation in Poland

  • The main sources of information on AET (or, rather, some of its sectors) are:
    • the Eu Labour Strength Survey (LFS);
    • the Developed Education Survey (AES); and
    • the Continuing Vocational Training in Enterprises (CVTE) survey conducted past the Primal Statistical Office (Główny Urząd Statystyczny) every v years (the most recent one published in Dec 2017).  CVTE surveys are comparative studies carried out in nigh EU countries.

Another source of data on AET is the Study of Human being Capital (Bilans Kapitału Ludzkiego, BKL), i of the largest European enquiry projects on competences, employment and labour market place, conducted periodically since 2010 by the Polish Agency for Enterprise Development (Polska Agencja Rozwoju Przedsiębiorczości, PARP) and the Jagiellonian University in Kraków. Its 2017-2018 findings point to the relevance of employment to educational practices of employed persons. The report shows that 68% of employed persons develop vocational / professional person competences strictly related to their task, and as many every bit 91% develop both vocational / professional competences and those which are not directly related to their task. Non-formal education is the predominant form of learning (72%), and over two-fifths (42%) participate in skills development activities in their workplace. In that location is as well an (ongoing) Sectoral Study of Human being Majuscule, which currently covers the It and financial sectors.  Data on competences of adults is collected under the Programme for the International Assessment of Adult Competences (PIAAC). An extended version of the survey has also been conducted in Poland every bit the Post-PIAAC Plan.

  • The Adult Education Survey, carried out past the Cardinal Statistical Part as office of the international AES, addresses, among other things, participation of adults in formal, non-formal and breezy learning. It is a cyclical survey, with previous editions in 2012 and 2006. The most recent survey, representative for the Polish population anile 18-69 years, was conducted in the start quarter of 2022 (publication in Shine). Findings show a slight increase in the participation of adult Poles in didactics as compared to 2011.
    • While 44% of Poles aged eighteen-69 participated in some grade of education in 2011, 5 years later the proportion rose to almost 45.9%. Changes are more than visible for the population aged 25-64. In 2016, effectually 43% of the Poles aged above 25 participated in at to the lowest degree one of the above-mentioned forms of education (around 26% in 2011); the proportion was almost l% in urban areas (49% in 2011) and effectually 39.5% in rural areas (slightly less, that is 36%, in 2011). Adult participation rates yet decrease significantly with the age: those participating in education correspond around half of the 30-34-twelvemonth-olds, effectually 41% of people anile 45-49 and but 34% of those aged 55-59. Qualifications or skills are upgraded mainly by employed persons (52%). The unemployed are the smallest grouping amongst the adults who upgrade their qualifications or skills.
    • In 2016, 54.ane% of the Poles aged 18-69 did non participate in whatsoever form of cocky-learning (60% in rural areas). This was mainly the example of economically active people, and no need for (farther) education / training was given as the reason.
    • The proportion of adult Poles participating in formal educational activity decreased slightly from xiii.6% in 2011 to 11.3% in 2016. Those participating in formal educational activity are mainly the youngest adults; most 68% of the people aged 18-24 and xvi.iii% of those aged 25-29 were enrolled on programmes or courses in schools or higher education institutions. They nearly often followed a degree programme at a higher level as a continuation of previous academy studies or a not-degree postgraduate programme (i-fourth of the respondents held a higher education qualification).
    • The charge per unit of participation in non-formal didactics rose slightly from 20.9% in 2011 to 21.iv% in 2016. Most active were people aged 25-44, with over 25% of them upgrading their skills in non-formal settings. The participation charge per unit reached a peak value (nigh 30%) in the 35-39 age grouping, only the rates were much lower in the older historic period groups. Adults participating in not-formal teaching were mainly men, people living in urban areas, holding a higher education qualification and, commencement of all, those holding positions which require specialist qualifications or skills.

The survey also shows that the decision to participate in non-formal education was related to the job (77.4%) and aimed to enhance performance (as indicated past 56.6% of respondents). Better job performance was identified every bit the primary benefit from the effort taken (51.3% of respondents). Thus, participation rates were peculiarly high among the respondents representing the occupations where formal requirements or rapid technological advances require continuous upskilling. These include teachers (about 44% of the respondents with a educational activity qualification participating in pedagogy in such settings); and people in medical and ICT jobs (around 40% in both groups).

Nearly half (49%) of the adults participating in not-formal teaching received financial support from their employers, and only slightly more than i-fifth had to participate in preparation on a self-funding basis (348 PLN equally the average price indicated).

Among the persons participating in non-formal didactics, 45% received a document certifying the skills acquired as required by their employer, professional organisation or legislation; nearly one-third did not get any credentials for the skills gained.

  • In 2016, 31.iv% of Poles (around 8.5 million) were involved in self-study or breezy learning (equally compared to 30% v years earlier). Cocky-study is undertaken mainly by immature and amend educated people. There are slightly more cocky-studying adults amid women (a difference of three percentage points) and people living in urban areas. The well-nigh popular self-learning methods include:
      • using the Internet / ICT applications (84.5% of respondents; almost 95% of adults aged 18-24 years; a much college proportion amidst the respondents holding a higher pedagogy qualification);
      • using books and professional person journals (80%; this method was used more often by women and adults in urban areas; learning from books was much more common amongst the respondents belongings a higher education qualification (87%) than a vocational qualification (66%);
      • learning from family members, friends and colleagues (47.2%).


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