Stop Peeing in Mid Stream Then Go Again
STOPPING your pee mid-flow could help you beat erectile dysfunction or premature ejaculation, scientists have claimed.
New research suggests that pelvic floor exercises could help around three quarters of men battling with the common sexual issues.
These exercises are typically recommended for women to lower their risk of incontinence, especially after having a baby or surgery.
But now experts say strengthening the muscles around the bladder and penis could boost men's performance in the bedroom.
It can also help with bladder control and bowel problems.
One of the ways to do this is to halt urination mid-flow. Another is to try and draw the testicles upwards.
Physiotherapists from James Cook University in Australia analysed data from 650 men who used pelvic floor exercises, in the first study of its kind.
Impressive results
They found 47 per cent of patients with impotence issues found the exercises had worked.
While a huge 83 per cent of men admitted it had helped them with premature ejaculation.
Writing in the journal, Physiotherapy, the study's co-author, Chris Myers, explained that weak pelvic floor muscles "may directly impact erectile strength and the ejaculatory process".
He added: "Pelvic floor exercises to prevent ED and PE are a non-invasive and a cheaper option than traditional methods.
"However, the optimum combination of frequency and exercise will vary from individual to individual."
Traditional treatments for erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation revolve around lifestyle changes and drugs, such as Viagra.
However, further trials are needed to confirm whether pelvic floor exercises are an effective treatment for both conditions, he said.
How do I find my pelvic floor?
The pelvic floor muscles stretch from the pubic bone at the front of your body tot he bottom of your spine.
They act as a sling, supporting the bladder and bowel, to help control when you pee or empty your bowels.
It's important to find the right muscles before you start doing pelvic floor exercises.
To do this, either sit, stand or lie down - whichever is more comfortable - and relax your thighs and buttocks.
Stephanie Taylor, founder and managing director of Kegel8, said: "The good news for those with a packed workout schedule is pelvic floor exercises are quick and easy to incorporate into your daily routine.
"First, you need to locate your pelvic floor to develop a mind-muscle connection.
"Clench the muscles around your anus as if you're holding in wind.
"Next, tighten the muscles around the urethra, as if you were trying to stop urinating. Voila, these are your pelvic floor muscles."
How do I exercise it?
Stephanie says you can work your pelvic floor any time of day, standing, sitting or lying with the following steps:
- Sit, stand or lie somewhere comfortable and relax your thighs, buttocks and stomach
- Tighten the muscles of your anus as if you're trying to stop passing wind then relax. Try to do this without clenching your buttocks, stomach or thighs
- Clench the muscles you would use to stop urinating mid-flow, then unclench them
- You can check if you're doing this correctly by touching just behind your scrotum; you should feel this area lift away from your fingers as you clench
- Clench these sets of muscles, hold them for 10 seconds, then relax for 10 seconds
Start with ten reps and gradually increase as you get stronger, in the same way you would do for other muscles.
The two different pelvic floor exercise techniques
There are two ways to perform manual pelvic floor exercises - slow and fast, according to Prostate Cancer UK.
Slow pelvic floor muscle exercises
1. Slowly tighten the muscles as hard as you can so you feel a lifting sensation
2. Try to hold this lift for ten seconds. Keep breathing normally
3. Slowly relax the muscles and rest for ten seconds
4. Aim to repeat the lift and rest up to ten times
You might find that you can't hold the lift for ten seconds to start with. Just hold it for as long as you can and try to build up to ten seconds.
It's more important to do the exercises properly than to do them for the full ten seconds.
Fast pelvic floor muscle exercises
1. Repeat the same action, but this time try tightening the muscles as quickly as possible
2. Hold the lift for one second and then let go
3. Try to do up to ten of these short, fast lifts
Try to concentrate while you're doing the exercises. If you don't do them properly, they might not help.
There's no fixed advice on how to often to do the exercises, but speak to your doctor to see what they suggest.
How to boost your performance in the bedroom
As well as these manual Kegel exercises, Men's Health have suggested a 4-step routine that you can try to help boost your overall performance in the bedroom:
1. Kegels
3 sets of 30 reps. 3-4 times a week
Squeeze the muscles you'd use to stop a stream of pee and hold that contraction for up to two seconds - being careful not to use any other muscles but those deep pelvic ones
- Squeeze the muscles you'd use to stop a stream of pee and hold that contraction for up to two seconds - being careful not to use any other muscles but those deep pelvic ones
2. Hindu press-ups
10 times
Sometimes performing missionary can be quite hard on the arms and shoulders, so this move will help condition you for sustaining the position for longer.
- Stand with your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart
- Bend over and place your hands on the floor - keeping your legs and arms straight as you do so (bending from the hips)
- That's the start of the position. Now dive your upper body towards the floor before bending backward and straightening the arms, looking upwards
- Go back to the starting position and go again
3. Front squats
5-10 times
Squats are fantastic full-body moves which help to tighten the core, the glutes, the pelvic muscles - and by adding weights, also the arms.
- Stand feet shoulder-width apart, holding a weight up to the chest
- Push your hips back and bend your knees to lower your weight - making sure to keep your weight in your heels and not the toes
- Drive your heels into the floor to push yourself back up to the start
4. Hip Thrusts
3 sets, 10 reps
Everyone could do with a little more thrusting practice, right?
- Sit on the ground with your shoulder blades resting on the bench
- Hold your weight on upper thigh, arms straight
- Bend to touch bum down to the ground
- Then hinge back up, leaning back onto the bench - hips in the air
- So when you're up, you should have a straight line from shoulders to knees - feet always stay rooted to the ground
- You should feel this in the bum and the backs of the legs
Premature ejaculation affects around half of men over 40
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